Sunday 8 April 2012

Book Review- Water in Mineral Processing

The following review has been submitted to MEI by Prof. Fathi Habashi:

Water in Mineral Processing, Edited by Jaroslaw Drelich, 416 pages, 18 x 26 cm, hardbound, ISBN 978-0-87335-349-6, published by Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Englewood, Colorado, USA 2012, US $ 109 [discount for members and students].

The book is a compilation of papers presented at the First International Symposium on Water in Mineral Processing held in Seattle, Washington, at the SME Meeting in February 2012. It introduces one of the challenges confronting the mining and minerals processing industry in the 21st century. Because most mineral processing requires high water use, there will be even more urgency to develop and employ technologies that will reduce consumption and the discharge of process-affected water.

A significant portion of the content is devoted to saline solutions and processing with sea water. Other chapters explore the latest in water treatment and biological methods, the effect of water quality on minerals processing, and water and tailings management. The book is composed of the following parts:

[1] Keynote lectures (2 papers)
[2] Processing with sea water and saline solution (7 papers)
[3] Water treatment and biological methods (8 papers)
[4] Effect of water quality on minerals processing (8 papers)
[5] Water and tailings management (8 papers)

The editor is with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. The book is well produced and contains a subject index.

Fathi Habashi
Laval Univerity, Quebec City,Canada


  1. Write On Professor Fathi,Write On. You are truly a legend, a rare and unique breed.Once again ,a Big thank you to MEI for Book Reviews of such magnificent and flamboyant content.Cheers.

  2. I don't think Fathi would regard his reviews as flamboyant, but thanks for your comment Mazano


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